The product that brings checking and savings accounts together. A personal money market really is the best of both worlds. Get higher-than-savings rates while still having access to your funds if you need them.

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We are now offering a special 3.25% APY on a Money Market account*.

*Minimum opening balance of $5,000 is required. You must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000 every day of the statement cycle to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield (APY). If your daily balance is above $5,000,000 you will earn 1.25% APY for the entire balance. The APY may change at any time at our discretion and will be subject to the applicable rate tiers. APY is accurate as of 02/01/2025. Transaction limitations may apply. Fees may reduce earnings.

You will earn an additional 0.10% APY when you have a consumer checking account relationship with us with a balance of $5,000.00 or more at the end of the day prior to your statement cycle. Other consumer account relationships are based upon the Taxpayer Identification Number of the owner of this account. Additional account relationships are included when the owner of the account has an owner, owner/signer, or joint owner relationship on related accounts. Relationships exclude "Construction Checking" Accounts.

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